Sunday, January 1, 2012

Iran against the world

Iran against the World, they want us to bring it on...

Iran is not a country of delirious extremists, they are Orthodox Muslims.
They believe the Koran cover to cover, like I believe the Bible cover to
cover. The Koran is not PC (politically correct). The Bible is not PC (politically correct).
People who try to make these philosophies compatible are delusional. The Koran and their Hadith
commentary tell them they need to force the coming of their Messiah, the
Mahdi. The Bible tells us to watch and pray and to do the Great
commission, i.e. share the Good News, wherever and whenever possible. All
the carnage in Africa of Muslims against Christians is a part of this great
spiritual battle. All the carnage of Muslim against Muslim is a part of this
colossal spiritual war.

Click here to check out an article posted on our website called
"How Jews, Christians and Muslims See the Last Days" for a greater
understanding of this whole mess. A mess that is not going away no matter how many
candles are burned and Kumbaya is sang!

-Chris Heeb

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