Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rioting on the Temple Mount - Earthquakes.. Know the cause!!

There is a lot of activity taking place that you need to be aware of. There was rioting on the Temple Mount which always needs to be watched as this is ground zero for Bible prophecy. Israeli police bring reinforcements to Jerusalem
There are huge events just on the horizon with the economy and the dollar as it continues to meltdown. With the economy melting down, there is also movement toward the New World Order.
The homosexual agenda is getting up to full speed. The sodomites have a march planned for Washington, DC to advance homosexual marriage. Obama is going to speak Saturday night at their dinner. These are the type of events which in the past have coincided with huge earthquakes, fires, etc. Let's watch and see what happens this weekend. For those that fear the LORD, this weekend is a time of prayer.

(Visit this Link) John Mcternan's Blog for the rest of the story!!

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