One of the main proponants of this view of endtimes prophetic events (eschatology) is Walid Shoebat. Below is a deep discussion of this prophetic scenario. Walid has spoken recently at Seed of Abraham Congregation here in Minnesota. All we can say is - if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it swims like a duck... As we know the time is fast approaching this is a plausible possibility.
I also believe that Islam is the beast because it fits all of the criteria. I'm just wondering how this transhumanization/NWO thing is going to play out and if it will be integrated somehow with this beast. They both seem to be jockeying for the same position.
I also believe that Islam is the beast because it fits all of the criteria. I'm just wondering how this transhumanization/NWO thing is going to play out and if it will be integrated somehow with this beast. They both seem to be jockeying for the same position.